Serendipity Arts Festival 2022

Serendipity Arts Festival is an annual arts festival that takes place in Goa, during the month of december, every year. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the festival didn’t take place post 2019, till 2022. Our brief with SAF was to take the 2019 visual language (designed by Codesign) and evolve it to a new, yet familiar design system. The strategy was to help the audiences draw a recall with the previous festival, while providing something fresh this year. Keeping the typography and colour system similar to the 2019, but introducing new elements, grid system and patterns, we designed the 2022 festival collateral for the brand.


Our scope was vast, including but not limited to all the print collateral, OOH, social media systems, emailers, web-landing pages, guidebooks, posters, billboards, vehicle graphics and more. A glimpse of our work below:

Visual Identity & Collateral Design