Friendlycrafted Logo + Tshirt

Friendlycrafted is a new appareal brand from Netherlands that aims to make cool and creative T-shirts and Hoodies for 13 to 20 year olds. Their goal is to make premium quality garments for a friendly price. The brand aims to add more products beyond Tshirts like socks, trousers etc. in future. I worked with them to design their logo and few Tshirts for a new collection coming out later this year.

Logo Design

Some keywords to associate the brand’s values with are:

  • Friendly, approachable
  • Hands-on, experimental
  • Cool and young
  • Craftsmanship


The logo design direction focuses on creating a very unique aesthetic. The upstairs moving typography helps create a unique identity that is unlike anything else out there. Aesthetic and readability are well balanced in this direction, and due to the young and hip target audience that is open to cutting edge art and experimentation, this logo flies. It has been customized for better legibility and is built upon on a typeface by Indian Type Foundry.

Tshirt Design

From the various ideas discussed with the client, they liked the idea of having fun illustrations based on fruits the most interesting. I made three options for them to start out with, with the possibility of making more in future collections.