Design Habit Branding Proposals

Design Habit provides Innovative, customized and context-specific spatial communication solutions which embed unparalleled value into the vision of a project.


Design Habit has developed a new, coherent language in Indian design, strongly rooted in Indian culture and traditions, yet contemporary and global in its outlook, by integrating diverse fields of design with rigorous research and a narrative-based, multidisciplinary approach. Designing experiential storytelling spaces which are immersive, emotional, entertaining and educational is, Design Habit believes, the future.


I worked with the studio to explore how a redesigned branding approach can help their studio communicate better to their audience. Unfortunately the project was shelved by the client. Here are the explorations that were done during the course of the project.

Direction 1

Talking about Design Habit, few keywords exemplify the brand’s personality:
–Bold, Confident, Authoritative
–Modern, Experienced

The logo for Design Habit is a representation of the above, to bring together these keywords when seen.

Direction 2

This direction uses the very recognisable part of the Design Habit studio, the Sunrise Door, as a secondary graphic element. The logo tries to retain the strong confidence that the studio carries and adds a hint of freshness to it.

Direction 3

This direction pushes forward the idea of flexibility, while being humble and contemporary in it’s typographic treatment, using colours that are relatable to India (Indigo and turmeric).

The visual language also plays with the notion of forming a ‘Habit’ by the act of deliberate repitition.

Direction 4

This direction interprets the idea of flexibility in a different way, where the studio plays with the duality of practicing design in it’s field of strict guidelines and rules as well as creative flexibility within the same structure. The typography is chosen to evoke a familiarity with contemporary Indian forms and the colour palette relates to the young, contemporary energy that the studio has.

Direction 5

This direction interprets the idea of flexibility in yet another way, purely by use of typography. The ability to be able to change depending on the need is reflected through the studio’s logo as well as the applications, where it keeps changing itself on use.